© Angela Ankner, 2024
Email ︎  xenia [A T] xeniafink.de

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Xenia Mura Fink employs representation to analyze recurring images, think them anew, and create different readings. Drawing is the basis of her practice, which, apart from works on paper, includes installations, text works and animations. Furthermore, Fink explores the possibilities of narration within groups of drawings and between the viewer and the artwork.
She researches artistically and theoretically in the charged intersection of figuration, desire and the gaze.

* in São Paulo, Brazil

Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle and 
Hamburg University of Applied Science (HAW), 
Graphic Design/Illustration studies, graduated in 2005 with MA in Illustration

Universität der Künste Berlin, Fine Arts studies, graduated in 2009 as Meisterschülerin


Winter 2023/24 until Winter 2024/25 Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, visiting professor for drawing in fashion design
Summer 2022 until Summer 2023 Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, lectureships for main design/artistic projects, e.g. “Drawing the Fashioned Body – From Realism Towards Speculation”

Since Summer 2022 Universität der Künste Berlin, various lectureships for drawing 

Since Summer 2017 Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, lectureships for artistic anatomy and life drawing ︎ Instagram

Workshop and lectures “Texture – Between Mimesis and Abstraction”
2021 Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Experimental Drawing Studio
2018 Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
2018 Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana

2022 and 2013 International Summer Academy for Visual Arts Dresden, lecturer for drawing / narrative objects 


2022/2024 scholarship for doctoral project at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar awarded by the Free State of Thuringia (Thüringer Graduiertenförderung)
2022/23 mentoring program for highly qualified female artists and researchers, Berlin University of the Arts
2021 project grant Neustart Kultur from bbk Bundesverband
2020 project grant from Berlin Reinickendorf district for Republic of the Other (collab Fink/Yu)
2017 Heimat-Stipendium, artist grant for a year-long project from the Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation
2012 catalogue grant from the Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation
2011 shortlisted for Hans Meid Prize, Hamburg
2010 artist grant from the Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation
2009 shortlisted for the President’s Prize, Berlin University of the Arts


2016 artist in residence at Axenéo 7, Gatineau, Canada
2014 Art Embassy artist in residence grant in Goriška Brda, Slovenia, awarded by the German Embassy, Ljubljana
2011 grant from the the Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation for ISCP, International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York


“IsoLoosion – Adolf Loos’ Das Schlafzimmer meiner Frau.”frame[less], Issue #1, 2020.

“Self-Images of Aging: Presence and Desire in the Work of Women Artists.” TEMA #2,  2021.

“REPUBLIC OF THE OTHER.” Research Catalogue, 2021. https://doi.org/10.22501/rc.722252

“Hysterically Normal.” TEMA #6, 2022.

“#EMPOWERMENTTHROUGHSELFOBJECTIFICATION #EMPOWERMENT #FEMINISM”. FKW // Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und visuelle Kultur, Nr. 70 (Feb 2022), 112-114.

„Der Faltenwurf als ambivalentes Objekt zwischen Abstraktion, Figur und Gender“. (“Drapery as Ambivalent Object between Abstraction, Figure, and Gender.”) VER•WANDLUNG•EN, 100. Kunsthistorischer Studierendenkongress (KSK) am Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Februar 2022.

„Navel-Gazing: The Conundrum of the Female Image.“ Working Titles: Journal for Practice Based Research, July 2022.

“Why I Never Became a Performer.” Lecture Performance as Sneaky Translators @ Society of Artistic Research (SAR) Conference, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, July 2, 2022.

“Too Close To Home: Self-Representation, the Gaze, Desire, and the Female Artist.” Presentation at Autotheory Conference – Thinking through Self, Body and Practice, University of Glasgow, October 28, 2022.

„Emma Hamiltons fluide Faltenwürfe als Medium von Handlungsmacht“. (“Emma Hamilton’s Fluid Draperies as a Medium of Agency.”) VER•WANDLUNG•EN, Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, arthistoricum.net, Winter 2023.

“(Life) Drawing Fashion as a Queer-Feminist Practice,” Workshop and multi-modal lecture with Leah Frey, De-Fashioning Education Conference, Berlin University of the Arts, September 15-16, 2023.

https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-0675-4212


2024 Letztlich sieht sie die Dinge anders, Kunstverein Norden (with Claudia Rößger)
2024 Ungekämmt und Abgeschminkt III / Uncombed and undone III, Galerie Oscar – MUK Kunstverein Zirndorf (with Claudia Rößger)
2024 Ungekämmt und Abgeschminkt II / Uncombed and undone II, Galerie Oscar – Weltecho, Chemnitz (with Claudia Rößger)
2024 Studio Show #4 (with Sid Gastl)
2023 Ungekämmt und Abgeschminkt / Uncombed and undone, Galerie Bohai, Hannover (with Claudia Rößger)
2021 Lose Fäden/ Loose Threads, Kunstraum NeuDeli KV, Leipzig
2019 Interiors, Ta(r)dino 6, Baku
2019 Republic of the Other (collab Fink/Trejo/Yu), Gallery 101, Ottawa

2018 Grimm – ein Archiv, Museum Haldensleben, Haldensleben
2018 Abbildungsversuche von Nicht-Aussprechbarem, Kunstverein Coburg
2018 Die relative Wichtigkeit ziemlich wichtiger Dinge, Anhaltischer Kunstverein, Dessau

2015 It is always immediate, Morgen Contemporary, Berlin

2013 Too Close To Home, Morgen Contemporary, Berlin

2012 Bioterio, Instituto Cultural de León, as part of FIAC, Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, León, Mexico
2012 Xenia Fink – Restrained Whisper, umlaut gallery, Munich

2011 drawings, Galerie Schuster, Miami

2010 Xenia Fink, Galerie Schuster, Berlin
2010 L’Éducation sentimentale, Galerie im Volkspark, Halle


2024 WIR SIND KUNST – 20 Jahre Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle

2023 until the thread breaks, Kunstverein Baden, Baden (A)

2022 Spooky Actions, NOVA art space / Kunsthaus Erfurt
2022 25th Summer Academy, Lecturers Show, Motorenhalle, Dresden
2022 Lines Fiction – Zeichnung & Animation, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin

2021 Linie auf Fläche – Zeichnen 1, Museum Reinickendorf GalerieETAGE, Berlin
2021 Gefühle raus! Glocal Emotions, Motorenhalle, Dresden
2021 Sneaky Translators - An Online Conference-Performance, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, organized by Gabriel S Moses, lecture performance

2020 pirouettes en dehors, Posen und Positionierungen in den Medien Performance, Installation, Zeichnung, Malerei und Fotografie, Galerie Alte Schule, Berlin
2020 The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Beautiful, Kunstverein Hochrhein
2020 Neue Kunstwerke der Graphothek Berlin, Rathaus-Galerie Reinickendorf, Berlin

2019 To Be a Woman, Museum of Modern Art, Baku
2019 POSITIONS Art Fair, Berlin Art Week

2018 Germanaijan, Goethe Zentrum, Baku
2018 Warum schreit das ICH so laut. Selbstbildnisse. Anhaltischer Kunstverein, Dessau
2018 Join the Dots / Unire le distanze, Salone Degli Incanti - Ex Pescheria Centrale, Trieste
2018 WonderWomen ART b!tch, Babette, Berlin
2018 Monsters of Drawing, Feinkunst Krüger, Hamburg

2017 Delikat 17, KV Neu Deli, Leipzig
2017 Union Art Fair, Seoul, Korea
2017 The Real Estate Show Extended / Berlin, Kunstpunkt, Berlin

2016 H. J. Kristahn and Students, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts AMNUA, Nanjing
2016 If you are dating me you don't need chemicals / Part Two: DIe bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant, Niki Elbe / Xenia Fink / Cornelia Renz, Kunstraum NeuDeli KV, Leipzig
2016 Hell, purgatory and heaven, KURA Festival, wall drawing, Wittenberg
2016 If you are dating me you don't need chemicals / Part One: Valley of the Dolls, Niki Elbe / Xenia Fink / Cornelia Renz, SporKlübü, Berlin

2015 You knee them in the chin..., SporKlübü, Berlin
2015 Imago Mundi, Map of the New Art / Germany, mon amour!, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice
2015 Wanted / Städte machen III. Stadtspaziergänge mit Elfi Müller, ifa-Galerie, Berlin

2014 Touch, premiere screening at Zebra Film Festival, Berlin
2014 POSITIONS Art Fair, Berlin Art Week
2014 VECTOR, show and book launch, Schau Fenster, Berlin
2014 Body Scriptures, Alter Garnisonfriedhof, Berlin

2013 The Oracle, The Wand, Berlin
2013 16th Summer Academy, Lecturers show, Motorenhalle, Dresden
2013 Unhinged, Pierogi, Brooklyn, NY
2013 BADH & BSA present VIELZUVIEL!, BADH, Berlin

2012 Ich bin ein Berliner, Dezer Schauhalle, Miami

2011/2012 Von hier aus, Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle

2011 Fashion Is For Ugly People, Illuminated Metropolis Gallery, New York
2011 Xenia Fink and Louise Manifold Salon, iscp, New York

2009 New Berlin Generation, Galerie Schuster, Miami
2009 New Berlin Generation, Galerie Schuster, Berlin
2009 Meisterschüler exhibition at University of Arts Berlin

2008 Red House, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
2008 Like Her, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin


Ingolf Kern im Gespräch mit Xenia Fink: NEU WERK – der Podcast der Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt, 2021.
Julia Brodauf: Pirouettes en dehors, Catalogue, Galerie Alte Schule Adlershof (ed.), artbux Verlag, Berlin, 2020.
Heimat sammeln, Catalogue, Sachsen-Anhalt Art Foundation (ed.), Hasenverlag, Halle, 2020.
Roswitha Frey: ”Schöner Schein und bittere Wahrheit,” Badische Zeitung, Mar 03, 2020.
Helen Lam: “Republic of the Other at Gallery 101,” Jan 16, 2019. https://apt613.ca/exhibition-republic-of-the-other/
Matthias Heine: “Der Schatz der Brüder in der Börde,” Welt am Sonntag, Sept 23, 2018.
Grit Warnat: “Zeichnerin auf Grimms Spuren,” Volksstimme, S. 22 Kultur, Sept 21, 2018.
Jochen Berger: “Meisterin der Spannung,” Coburger Tageblatt, Sept 1, 2018.
Matthias Mayer, Becky Howland (eds.): The Real Estate Show Extended, Berlin, 2018.
Raban Ruddigkeit (ed.): Freistil, Hermann Schmidt Verlag, Mainz, 2017.
Germany, mon amour! / Imago Mundi, Map of the New Art, Catalogue, Fondazione Cini, Venice.
Marie J. Burrows: “Fink What You Like,” Art Parasites, January 2015. http://www.artparasites.com/fink-what-you-like/
wagemutig II, Catalogue, Sachsen-Anhalt Art Foundation (ed.), Hasenverlag, Halle, 2014.
VECTOR Artists Journal. curators and editors: Peter Gregorio, Javier Barrios, New York, 2014.
Xenia Fink: Works. Sachsen-Anhalt Art Foundation (ed.), Halle, 2013.
“Arte a manos llenas.” Periodico a.m., Leon, August 12, 2012.
wagemutig I. Catalogue, Sachsen-Anhalt Art Foundation (ed.), Distanz Verlag, Berlin, 2011.
Hans Meid Preis. Catalogue, Hamburg, 2011.
“Haustier als Hingucker.” Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, December 05, 2011.
Onajide Shabaka: “Xenia Fink at Galerie Schuster Miami.” June 19, 2011. http://miamiartexchange.com/2011/06/xenia-fink-at-galerie-schuster-miami/ 2011.
Jan Joswig: “Hand gerendert - Xenia Fink.” de:bug, Nr. 129 Jan/Feb 2009.
Rotes Haus / Red House. Catalogue, Kunstraum Bethanien and Lena Braun (eds.), Berlin, 2008.
“In den Tempeln der Nacht.” Berliner Zeitung, Aug 12, 2008.